Thursday 16 February 2012

Emerald Jewelry

                          "Emerald Jewelry"
             "Facts before choosing an Emerald Engagement Ring"
Whenever we talk about an engagement ring a diamond ring comes into mind. Mostly women insist on their future groom-to-be to get them a diamond ring. Now as women have mastered in diamonds, their sizes and other facts, the new fashion of Emerald engagement rings kicked in. Although the emerald engagement ring fact has the same as diamonds including 4 C’s which are clarity, carat, cut and color but there are more factors to choose a flawless emerald for your engagement ring.

Emerald engagement rings that I came across have both the green beauty of emerald with sparkly shine of diamonds. The entire band of this engagement ring is covered with diamonds with a beautiful cut emerald shinning like a star in between.

Engagements are a special event for both the bride and groom-to-be while family members are excited as the circle of their loved ones is increasing. The most excitement for the bride-to-be is the engagement ring which is mostly expected as a Diamond ring. Now these cliché dreams are transforming into different dreams where now women insist on getting an emerald, ruby or other precious stone rings. You can start by changing the tradition and become the new trend setter by giving your future wife an emerald engagement ring. These rings come in gold or silver band while you can find emerald rings with diamonds stuck all around the band on equal intervals. Now if you have made up your mind to get an emerald engagement ring then here are some of the facts to look for before buying one.

Color: In general we know that emerald has a bright green color but these emeralds also come in blue-green color. The pure green colored emeralds are found in bulk while blue-green emeralds are rarely found which makes them more expensive. The more stable and consistent color an emerald have the better.
Cut: The standard cut chosen for emeralds is in rectangular step cut called the “Emerald cut.” Other shapes an emerald can be cut in are oval, heart-shaped, pear and round. Move to other emerald rings if any of them have a cabochon cut as mostly flawed stones have cuts in that shape.
Carat: An emerald is also measured in carats. Emeralds are usually found in 1 carat or less any bigger than that can cost you a fortune.
Clarity: In case of emerald’s clarity its color also plays an important role to increase the price of an emerald. If the clarity is perfect while the color is pure green it may not be as expensive as you might believe a diamond will be. Although an emerald with flawless clarity and perfect color are extremely rare.

Treatment: An extra thing to look for before purchasing an emerald engagement ring is to acquire about the treatment that particular emerald has gone through. Every emerald goes under a treatment to fill the gaps and cracks in the stone while some treatments also include adding colored oils to it which completely changes the color. The more treatment emerald has undergone the lower-quality it is going to have.
Synthetic Stone: Be sure to buy a non-synthetic emerald. A synthetic emerald means that it is produced in a lab through an artificial procedure. Some emeralds that are small in size go through synthetic procedure to make them bigger in size. If the dealer assures it is a non-synthetic emerald then have him write it down to save you from any bad luck in the future.

Be Attentive while buying Antique Jewelry:
In several countries of the world and also in various cultures, as a direct influence emanating from the religious creeds there is the presence of the notion of engagement rings. However, again as far as the engagement rings are concerned there is the application of several gemstones of which the most prominent are ruby, diamond and also emerald. Now, there are also people who do go for the antique or vintage rings as the standardized engagement rings, in which the antique emerald jewelry deserves special mention.

Now an antique emerald jewelry is nothing except an old-fashioned jewelry. But to be antique the concerned jewelry must be at least 70 years old or there should be jewels that are handed down from generation to generation, and it may also include jewelry with a historic value. In any respect the antique emerald jewelry happens to be the most preferred one, both for its elegance and also being relic from a memorable past. They are treasured not just for any monetary value or gain.

Historic Emerald Earrings:
Doctors say the color green should be more used at homes as they soothes and calm a person’s personality and are good for improving our eye sights. God has already taken care of it outside our homes in the form of grass, trees and different shades of green bushes.

One of the gemstone that soothes the soul is emerald that is widely found in the color green and rarely found in blue-green shade. The gemstone of emerald looks gorgeous as jewelry whether as a necklace, ring or earring. The fashion trend for long and dangling earrings is in and so is emerald earrings for special occasions and any kind of outfit.

The color green is considered to work in the benefit of our health. No wonder God has created landscapes with thick green forests, green grass and green bushes. Doctors now suggest spending more time outdoors rather than staying indoors and spending your entire day in front of a television, play station or computers. To fulfill a woman’s need, God created gemstones and metals including gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and of course the evergreen emerald.

The beautiful sea green, green and blue green colored emeralds are an eye-catcher in a gathering. Emerald earrings can cost you a fortune if they are antique. They are called antique if they are retrieved from an ancient time or many jewelers make a copy of that antique with emeralds and diamonds arranged in a beautiful pattern. Usually these earrings are in small hoops and studs unlike huge loop earrings worn these days. You must have seen many celebrities wearing emerald earrings in studs on Oscars and awards on silk gowns.
The look is fabulous whether the hair is tied up in a French roll or let loose falling on their shoulders. An antique emerald earring with diamonds or freshwater pearls can look staggering. Designs and styles of antique emerald earrings are kind of unique and special from other ordinary earrings. Their patterns are more complicated with delicate design of diamonds fixed around the bright green emerald shinning in the middle. These earrings can be custom made copying an antique earrings or an earring you inherited from your grandmother.

Antique emerald earrings can be a thoughtful and sweet gift from a mother to her daughter or vice versa. These gifts may be an expensive one but they convey a message that no other gifts can. Having them custom made is a one of the options but the designs already present on online and jewelry stores are marvelous. The delicate work on these earrings is tempting. These websites give history for their antique emerald earrings collection for the buyers. Asking for the history before buying antique emerald earrings is a must as this is a unique quality they have.

A Guide to buying cheap emerald jewelry:
Cheap emerald jewelry is a possibility thanks to the advances in science and technology. Synthetic emerald stones are available quite easily these days. These stones though they look similar to emeralds are a lot cheaper than the originals. These synthetic emerald stones are the ones that are usually used in cheap emerald jewelry.

The actual value of an emerald depends on the number of inclusions or flaws and fissures in it. An emerald stone with more inclusion will cost you less. Jewelry made from such stones is also cheaper when compared to the ones made from stones which don’t have inclusions. An online search can put you across literally hundreds of websites that deal with cheap emerald jewelry.

Emerald has always fascinated mankind for a very long time now. No wonder then that emerald jewelry is so much in demand these days. Emeralds are actually a variety of a mineral called beryl. This mineral contains some trace elements of iron and chromium which gives it a distinct green color. Emeralds are among the most value able gemstones that are available. In fact some of the best quality emeralds are in fact valued to be more expensive than even diamonds. It is for these reasons that cheap emerald jewelry is something that is rather difficult to find, but not entirely impossible. A simple online search can put you across many websites which sell cheap emerald jewelry.

There are many online jewelry stores that deal with cheap emerald jewelry. The value of emeralds actually depends on the number of flaws or inclusions that are found within the gem stone. The more the number of inclusions, the less would be the hardness of the gemstones and the lesser would be the price too. In many cases emeralds are oiled in order to fill any inclusions or fissures that may be present within the stone. This in turn helps in retaining the hardness level of the stones. There are many sets of jewelry which may use emeralds with many inclusions. Such cheap emerald jewelry can be found being sold extensively over the internet.

Emeralds usually come in different shades. While some of them may be bluish green, others could be in green. In fact the green ones are the most popular ones. The clarity aspect of an emerald actually impacts its pricing. All these aspects make availability of cheap emerald jewelry a real possibility.
Emeralds are very rare to find and this is the main reason for their high cost. Although this is the case, these days a lot of synthetic emerald stones are available. These synthetic stones are the ones which are used mostly in the case of cheap emerald jewelry. There are many sophisticated methods in which high pressure along with high temperatures results in the production of synthetic emeralds. Cheap emerald jewelry is usually made from such synthetic emerald stones.
Hopping online is perhaps the best way of shopping for cheap emerald jewelry. You can find plenty of useful information with regard to these types of jewelry at various online sources. You can also find several useful online guids which can help you to make an informed buying decision. Even though you can get detailed information on buying them, it is you who should be making the buying decision. Jewelry designers are coming out with more and more designs these days. All this has made your choice wider and easier when it comes to buying cheap emerald jewelry.

Be thrifty to select Emerald costume jewelry:
Emerald costume jewelry is slowly but steadily gaining a major popularity in the international market. Well, there may be many to whom the words costume jewelry may appear unusual. For them it is better to note that costume jewelry in general denotes that it is in no way any extremely expensive stuff.

Above all it is designated in the best manner as a fashion jewelry or junk jewelry. But what about the emerald costume jewelry and how this jewelry can be less expensive when emerald is attached to it. This is indeed a vital point but in this respect the entire jewelry is made in such a manner so that people belonging to any social strata can afford.

What has been found in this esteem from several studies is that to gratify the gradually rising aspirations of people modern day emerald costume jewelry can be made out of emerald but not heavily priced, where the metals used may be brass plated with gold or silver. In general emerald costume jewelry is loved in almost all countries around the world and has been found to be not as fine jewelry. However there is no doubt in it that it is beautiful and can be pretty valuable. But at the same time it is also necessary for you to be smart or may be duped just at the first instance. Amazed or scared? Well, there is noting to get scared, the need for you is only to be eternally vigilant.

You should also be careful where you are buying from, since if it is from the market there are great chances that you may purchase scrap. In this respect it should be said at the very outset that finding the accurate emerald costume jewelry can be difficult but not at all impossible. You can get also a good time for searching it since you don’t have to wear it with costumes at the earliest. It will look also good when you appear it with your regular outfits, and for that you should be aware where to go for purchasing the best products.

On the other hand, as a part of misfortune you may not get any such emerald costume jewelry that can satisfy your choice. In that case you should change your choice somewhat and go for the vintage emerald costume jewelry. Since they are collectible pieces the presence of these is slightly better and are also collected by the enthusiasts as gorgeous alternative to fine jewelry.
If you actually know what you are looking for and can distinguish the worthless clones from the genuine ones and also other top pieces, then you can literally enhance your collection by collecting this emerald costume jewelry. Nonetheless, this is not all. For the ideal determination of the value of any such vintage emerald costume jewelry it is highly important for you to look at the essential things. All of them are related to designs like its supply, demand and originality, along with the materials and quality of construction, and lastly the final condition.
Now since the saga of supply and demand in any market, not only this, always remains uncertain there is a need for you to do a little homework and get cleared. You shall have to observe which pieces at present are in demand and which are failing to cope with the rising demand. Be aware of the fact that there is not so much demand of the popular designs  to the investors or the conventional buyers since they are not liked. Although, they are collected as through them one becomes profitable. At the last, the final condition of the products also plays a key role.

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