Thursday 23 February 2012

Mehendi (Womens Choice)

                       "History Of Mehendi"

The Mughals brought Mehendi to India as lately as the 12th century AD. As the use of Mehendi spread, its application methods and designs became more sophisticated.
According to professional henna artist and researcher Catherine C Jones, the beautiful patterning prevalent in India today has emerged only in the 20th century. In 17th century India, the barber's wife was usually employed for applying henna on women Most women from that time in India are depicted with their hands and feet hennaed, regardless of social class or marital status.
The art of Mehendi has existed for centuries. The exact place of its origin is difficult to track because of centuries of people in different cultures moving through the continents and taking their art forms with them and therefore sharing their art with everyone along the way.

Some historical evidence suggests that Mehendi started in India while others believe it was introduced to India during the twelfth century A.D. I personally feel that it would be hard to argue the fact that it appeared as an art form in Egypt first.

Proof has been found that henna(Mehendi) was used to stain the fingers and toes of Pharoahs prior to mummification over 5000 years ago when it was also used as a cosmetic and for it's healing power. The mummification process took 70 days and as the Egyptians were diligent in planning for their deaths and their rebirth in the afterlife, they became quite obsessed with the preservation process. The Egyptians believed that body art ensured their acceptance into the afterlife and therefore used tattooing and Mehendi to please the gods and guarantee a pleasant trip.

The henna used for mehndi comes from a bush called Lawsonia Inermis which is part of the loose strife family and is grown in the Sudan, Egypt, India, most of the North African counties, The Middle East and other hot and dry places. The bush is also grown in Florida and California for his ornamental appearance and often grows to be quite large, ranging from six to twenty feet in some cases. The lance- shaped leaves from the bush are harvested, dried and then crushed to make the henna powder. Henna is used for hair dye, as a skin conditioner and as a reliever for rashes. The art of Mehendi is referred to as henna, mehndi or mehandi depending on where you are and which name you feel came first (or are most comfortable using). No matter what you call it though -- the art form remains essentially the same as it was centuries ago. It is beautiful the way it stains the skin!

Mehendi is not the huge commitment that tattooing is because of its temporary nature. For people who are too scared to endure the poking of a needle or are too ambivalent to commit to wearing the same permanent design forever -- Mehendi is a wonderful alternative. I would suggest that anyone who is hesitant about getting a permanent tattoo -- try walking the streets with a henna design for a couple of weeks first. It helps you discern if you can accept the constant backward glances and whispers that you often hear when you are in public as a decorated person. Henna also allows you to play around with designs until you find one that you are comfortable with -- and then you can get it permanently etched into your skin if you want to. Some people like permanency while others are much more comfortable with temporary forms of body art. Regardless of how you use henna to decorate your body -- the main idea is to have fun.

Henna designs have traditionally fallen into four different styles. The Middle Eastern style is mostly made up of floral patterns similar to the Arabic textiles, paintings and carvings and do not usually follow a destinctive pattern. The North African style generally follows the shape of the hands and feet using geometrical floral patterns. The Indian and Pakistani designs encompass more than just the feet and hands and generally extend further up the appendages to give the illusion of gloves and stockings which are made up of lines, paisley patterns and teardrops. Lastly, the Indonesian and Southern Asian styles were a mix of Middle Eastern and Indian designs using blocks of color on the very tips of their toes and fingers. All of these styles remain popular today but have also been joined in popularity by celtic designs and chinese symbols. The point once again is to have fun with designs and experiment with them until you find something that you feel really passionate about.

Healing Properties:

In various eastern parts, henna is thought to hold special medicinal or even magical properties. It is used to help heal skin diseases, prevent thinning hair, and cool the skin to reduce swelling in hot climates. It is made into a beverage to heal headaches and stomach pain. Newly purchased homes in Morocco often have their doors painted with henna to wish for prosperity and chase away evil. Henna is used as a protection against the "evil eye". The foreheads of bulls, milk cows, and horses are sometimes decorated with henna for their protection. Tombstones in graveyards are sometimes washed with henna to please the sprits.
Mehendi flowers produce perfume, and the Egyptians are believed to have made an oil and an ointment from them for increasing the suppleness of the limbs.

Mehendi has been used to treat a number of ailments due to a brown substance of a resinoid fracture found in it. This has chemical properties which characterize tannins, and is therefore named hennotannic acid. It has been used both internally and locally to treat conditions including leprosy, smallpox, cancer of the colon, headaches and blood loss - especially during childbirth. It can be used for skin conditions such as eczema. The plant can also treat muscle contraction and fungal and bacterial infections. 


Mehendi : Tips for better results!
You should leave the mehendi to dry on your skin and keep it on for as long as possible (10 - 12 hours if possible - you can go to bed with it). Scrape it after that. The color will become deeper
if you leave it untouched by water for another 10 - 12 hours. A deep color may last upto two weeks. The colouration varies from person to person.

Mehendi : Tips for preparation
Before you make a paste, you will need some good quality henna which you can find in an Indian or Middle Eastern store. There is no guarantee, however, that their henna has not been sitting on a shelf for a long time, slowly losing its power. Wherever you get your henna from, it should have a nice, bright green colour, and should have a nice, grassy, earthy aroma to it. If the colour of the henna is grayish or brownish, chances are it has been exposed to the air for too long or been exposed to sunlight. Your henna should always be stored in a cool, dry, preferably airtight container that does not let any light get in. This will keep it fresh until you need to use it again.

You can find coloured henna paste in the market, but this henna has a lot of colourings added to it, and although it may actually have henna in the mixture, the henna's own colouring properties are overtaken by the coloured dyes that are in it. Do not think of using black henna, for it can actually leave a chemical burn and a scar behind.

Mehendi How to Apply Hair?
Mehendi is believed to have medicinal qualities and so used for treatment of hair related problems. Mehendi mixed with yoghurt, lemon, coffee, tea, egg, fenugreek, Amla(Indian gooseberry) Aritha or Reetha(Soapnuts), oils like castor, coconut, olive in different combinations is used for various purposes. There may be many more ingredients that are used along with the above mentioned; each one of them having different effects. It may be for treating roughness, hair-fall, hair breakage, dandruff, dullness, split ends or just to keep your head cool.Besides conditioning, Mehendi is also used for giving hair just a tint or a pretty good colour. Mixing with indigo beetroot, katha or just soaking in an iron bowl will give the respective shade.I’ll be describing in details about which combination to be used when in my later posts. Cool Steps:
Mehendi is also used to cool your feet. Mehendi paste is applied to feet, particularly soles to get the soothing and cooling effect. It is believed to treat headache and also to get rid paining legs. Or simply step into the Mehendi paste(known ad Mehendi shoe) to get a perfect treat.
Pakistani Mehandi Designs:

Pakistani Mehendi

Indian Mehendi Designs:
 Indian Mehendi

Indian Mehendi

Arabic Mehendi Designs:

Arabic Simple Mehendi

Arabic Bridal Mehendi
Arabic Mehendi
Arabic mehndi design 19

Arabic Back Hand Mehendi
Arabic mehndi design 24

Arabic Mehendi
Arabic mehndi design 29
Bridal Mehendi Designs:

Bridal mehendi

 Beautiful Bridal Mehendi

Amazing Bridal mehendi

 Bridal Mehendi

 Bridal Mehendi

 New Bridal Mehendi

Beauty Tips For Female

How to Keep Hair Healthy and Shining?

Hair are one of essential part of women personality. A women with rough and dry hair is called uncaring and ugly women. So keep an eye on you hair regularly. Here are some great and useful tips, which can be used at home.
Hair tends to be weak when it's wet, so be careful while washing your hair. Vigorous rubbing, scrubbing and pulling can cause damage. Use a mild shampoo that does not contain harmful chemicals. Instead, it should contain natural ingredients with conditioning properties. While washing, keep your hair straight down and wash from the scalp to the tips. Rub your scalp and hair gently using your fingers. This helps to increase the blood supply to the scalp and roots. Use cool water for the last rinse. Lastly, condition your hair with a good conditioner. After you finish washing and conditioning, wrap a soft towel around your head for a few minutes to mop up excess water.
Never let the dirt and sweat build up in your hair as it makes your hair tangle easily. Be sure to wash your hair with good quality shampoo after outdoor activities, so that your hair looks nice and clean.
You should brush the hair to help improve the shine. Brushing your hair evenly distribute the oils from the scalp throughout the hair shaft. Use a soft bristle brush when washing your hair; do not brush your hair harshly. Make sure you brush your hair 2 to 3 times a day and always brush in downward motion. If you have long hair that tends to tangle on the ends, you should start brushing from the ends to remove any tangles and work up to the scalp.
To have healthy, shining and beautiful hair, you should never brush wet hair. Wet hair is much weaker than when it is dry. Wet hair will break easily if it is not combed gently.
Watch Your Diet
Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn’t. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.
Consider Exfoliants
Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or “loofah", as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What’s more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.
However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.

Hair Care Tips for Beautiful, Healthy and Shining Hair:

Basic Hair Care Tips -

Hair Care Tips for Oily Hair
This condition stems from over secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Eat: Lots of green leafy vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, yogurt, baked and grilled dishes.
Avoid: Fried and greasy foods, milk products and red meat.

Hair Care Tips for Dry Hair

Increase intake of low cholesterol, polyunsaturated oils such as margarine, sunflower oil, fruits and foods rich in Vitamin B.
Eat: Foods rich in vitamin B, raw vegetables, pulses, wholemeal bread, brown rice, liver, bananas, nuts and oily fish. A supplement of Vitamin E capsules will also help.
Avoid: Salty and fatty cheeses.
Hair Care Tips for Normal Hair
Eat: Low fat fish, chicken, pulses and sprouts.

Hair Care Tips for Mixed Condition Hair
Eat: Plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid: Butter, cheese and deep fried foods.

Hair Care Tips for Dull Hair
Eat: Foods rich in minerals - green vegetables, nuts, lentils, whole grain cereals, shrimps, oily fish and milk.

Daily Hair Care Tips and Advices -
To have healthy and beautiful hair, you need some hair care tips as below,
1. Choose natural shampoo - Natural shampoo is safer than chemical shampoo. Use a shampoo that is pH balanced and that is formulated for your hair type. Conditioner should be nourishing but not heavy. Rinse with cool water for extra shine.

2. Avoid rinsing hair so often - We tend to rinse our hair so often in the hot season. The risk to rinse hair so often, make your hair become dry and affect your head skin.

3. Avoid excess use of dryers - Blow dryer is commonly used to dry hair. This makes your hair broken. Use the tool properly to avoid your hair broken.

4. Scalp massage - Massage the scalp with the oil regularly to encourage oil production. Hot oil treatment is very beneficial in preventing hair loss.
5. Never brush wet hair, which can lead to breakage; instead, use a wide tooth comb after you shampoo.
6. After swimming, wash your hair with fresh water as soon as possible to remove chlorine residue.
7. Color your hair perfectly - To cover grey hair it is better to go a professional salon for coloring than doing yourself. Use the special shampoo; do not rinse your hair after 72 hours coloring.
8. Consult your stylist - We usually want to have new hair stylist. To do hair style, it must have chemical process. Consult your stylist the better way to choose, because your hair needs special care before or after chemical process.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Healthy Skin:

Healthy skin is very important to keep you looking young and vibrant. Many people spend hundreds of dollars every month to kept their skin glowing and radiant, but it can be achieved easily without spending any money.
The first and foremost thing to keep healthy skin is to keep your system clean and free of toxins. Toxins accumulate if your system is not clear. To flush out the toxins, you need to include roughage in your diet, and drink plenty of water. Now some people think that we should drink 6 glasses of water everyday, but some doctors suggest that it depends upon person to person. For some people, drinking 3 glasses may suffice, while some may have to drink 10. The basic thing is that your body should have enough moisture for its daily activities and all the toxins should be washed out. If your system is not clean, even thousands of dollars worth of cosmetics cannot help you.
Second thing is your diet. Maintain a healthy diet. If you eat too much of junk food, including fats and spices, your skin will get affected, especially in your teens. This is the reason many teens suffer from the problem of pimples and acne. They do not take care of what they eat. Eating recklessly will make your skin greasy and hence result in pimples.
Keep your skin clean. Do not forget to wash your face twice daily with a good moisturizing face wash. Washing with soap might have harsh effects on your skin. After washing the face, apply some good quality moisturizer on your skin. This will make sure your skin has enough moisture to keep it looking vibrant. You can also use cleansing milk for good cleaning, and scrubbing to clear out the dead skin cells.

Home Remedies for Hair Loss - Regrow your Hair Tips


Hair loss as it is commonly understood is losing the hairs from the head. Medically, the hair loss refers to the baldness or alopecia. This is losing the hairs from the scalp in abundant quantity. Generally, losing 50-100 hairs per day can be considered as a normal physiological procedure as all those hairs can be replaced with new growing hairs. Hair loss becomes significant when one starts losing more than that figure of hairs a day.

Hair loss could be due to many reasons, hereditary, being number one. Other causes include certain drugs, hormonal changes, pregnancy, therapies (like chemotherapy), salty water (for bathing and for drinking), makeup and dandruff. Men are more suffering from hair loss as compared to females. Baldness will be in men and not in female due to genetic reasons.

Home remedies for hair loss

The Indian gooseberry has been showing great results treating hair loss. For this, oil containing Indian gooseberry will be great to use.

Lettuce is another great home remedy for treating hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is considered to help the growth of hair if taken up to ½ liter a day.

Another great home remedy for hair loss is Amaranth. Its fresh leaves juice should be applied to the hair and this can help growing new hairs.

An application of coconut milk over the scalp will be helpful treating hair loss. You can take coconut milk and then massage it into the hair roots. It nourishes the hair and promotes the hair growth.

The most valuable home remedy for hair loss is using seeds of lime and black pepper. Ground it together and then make it into fine paste. Use this paste as an application on the patches. This might irritate but simultaneously it stimulates the hair growth and promotes the hair follicles to grow firm hairs.

The leaves of the tree margosa will be useful treating hair loss. It should be used as a decoction. This will stop hair from falling and will stabilize them into their roots. It also kills the hair lice.

Another useful home remedy for hair loss is using the paste of liquorice. It can be made by grinding the liquorice pieces in the milk with a pinch of saffron. The paste should be applied over the bald patches at night before retiring to the bed. This works wonderfully for treating alopecia condition.

Onions have also been found beneficial patchy baldness along with hair falling condition. The affected part must be rubbed with onions in the morning and evening. The juice of onion is stimulant to the hair follicles and hence will prevent falling too.

A fine paste made form pigeon pea or red gram is also considered as good home remedy for hair falling. Use this for longer period for maximum benefit.

One of the proven hair loss home remedy for hair loss is rubbing olive oil onto the scalp and affected area.

Healthy pink nails reflect a healthy body:

True! Healthy pink nails reflect a healthy, well- groomed body. Nails do play a very important part in perceiving a human being as a whole. Having dirty, untidy nails, may display untidy and unhealthy habits of a person. Whereas, clean, well- groomed, tidy nails definitely display cleanliness regimen and regular care of a person's body. This is a very basic of cleanliness habit, which is taught to us right from the school days. When we grow up, we realize its importance even more. In many professions, like musical instrument players, administration or data entry require hand skills and the prominently visible part of our body is hands and nails after face. So it becomes very important to take good care of this smallest body part. Right from childhood we are given so many nail grooming tips, we can very well relay on them throughout our life. Having healthy pink Negle tipper is a sign of good health. Any white spots on them display deficiency of protein. Having cracked or fragile nails is a sign of calcium deficiency. The lighter pink half circles at the root of Negle tipper is a sign of energy levels in body, having these half circles on all the finger nails is considered excellent.
Regularly applying hand lotion onto hands and nails at night leaves our hands and nails hydrated and well fed with moisturizer. Clean and properly cut nails also speak volumes about good hygiene habits of that person. Wearing Neglelak is another aspect which adds weight to attractiveness of hands. It is recommended to leave the nails uncolored after regular intervals or if you are required to wear it daily, like models or actors, then remove the Neglelak preferably at night. Colors coat your nails and disrupt oxygen supply to nails through air, this makes nails turn yellowish, when not removed timely. Using authentic products for nail grooming, visiting nail parlors for getting the manicure and pedicure done is a call of time. Besides, immersing your finger tips in mixture mild shampoo, moisturizer and luke warm water can cleanse the nail thoroughly. Avoid direct contact of hands with any harsh chemicals, always use gloves. Healthy food habits like eating protein rich food, raw food also help in maintaining healthy nails, as it supplies required amount of keratin to nails.

Beauty Tips for Necks:

Beauty tips for necks can help to maintain the youth and beauty of your neck. Although the neck area is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, it is often neglected. In addition to regular exercise and good posture, apply sunscreen to your neck when you venture outdoors. Wash your neck daily because pollution, dust and sweat collect on your skin. Use cleansers, exfoliants, moisturizers and masks made from inexpensive products to care for your neck.


Pound three strawberries to a paste and blend it with milk. Take advantage of the rich amount of antioxidants in strawberries to create this homemade cleanser. Apply the cleanser to your neck and rinse with warm water to help tighten the skin. Extract the juice from some raspberries, a source of vitamin C, and stir in 2 tsp. of cucumber juice and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. Apply this toner after cleansing to enhance the texture of your neck. Cleanse your neck with rose water if you're in a rush, and also use rose water to wipe your face and neck when outdoors. Use milk, or even add rose water to milk, to make another effective cleanser for your neck.


Blend lemon juice, turmeric powder and salt into a smooth paste. Apply this mixture to your neck, and gently rub the salt-based paste to remove dead cells. Sprinkle fresh cream with a dash of sugar and tea to create another exfoliant. Scrub your neck with the mixture for about two minutes, and then wash it off. Apply moisturizer after exfoliating to prevent premature aging.


Use cream as a moisturizer to rejuvenate your neck. Extract juice from cucumbers and mix with tomato juice and cream. Apply this mixture to your neck for about 15 minutes, and then rinse off. Use bananas to create a moisturizing mask that outperforms expensive neck wrinkle creams. Mash one ripe banana in a bowl. Add 2 tsp. of flax seed oil and five drops of rose water. Apply the paste to your neck for 20 minutes, and then rinse off with water. While the banana tightens your neck, the flax seed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that nourish your skin.


Massage your neck with olive, almond or coconut oil to nourish the skin. Use cold cream if you don't have one of these oils on hand. Lay your head down on a low pillow so your body is almost perfectly horizontal. Use light finger pressure and massage your neck in a soothing upward motion to activate your lymphatic glands as well as remove dead skin cells. Take deep breaths while performing your neck massage.


Practice correct posture, keeping your neck in an upright position. Strengthen your carriage by balancing a book on top of your head while standing against a wall. Move away from the wall, and try and walk without dropping the book. Avoid unnecessary neck strain by using the appropriate parts of your body to lift or push objects. Do neck stretches and exercises throughout the day to keep the muscles in your neck firm and flexible.

Eyes - Beautiful Eyes:

A human is the perfect creation of the almighty. Eyes are once of the most precious parts of human body. Without eyes everything is dark. Have you ever felt the pain of a blind man for whom every color is black? And those who have eyes do not care about them until their ratings goes in minus, until they feel pain. Many children are suffering from night blindness. Eyes are precious and we have to take care of them.
Vitamin A is the vital vitamin that keeps eyes healthy and as usual if we take correct diet, balanced diet we can give our body enough Vitamin A so that body system can take care of eyes. It is the responsibility of the parents that they make their children habitual of eating healthy food. Junk food like Pizza, burger, chips and soft drinks is harmful for them and in today's world children just love them.
Carotene is another vital substance that helps our body produce Vitamin A. Green vegetables and ripe yellow fruits are carotene rich natural products. Other resources for Vitamin A are carrot, radish, coriander, soy, papaya, dates, banana, orange, mango and dairy products. These days chemicals are used to ripe the fruits. So if you are infection prone like in case of the blood cancer patients, wash the fruits with hot water before consumption. Just don't jump for vitamin A capsules, if you take above mentioned fruits and vegetables there is very little chance that you would face any eye problem.
Avoid red chilies, fried food, junk food and hot food. This stuff is harmful for eyes. Take morning walks, if possible walk barefoot on wet grass. Rose water is another natural product. Pour few drops of rose water at bed time this will instantly give your eyes relief. I am a computer professional and whole day I sit in front of computer at work at home. When my eyes are tired rose water does wonder for me. It instant cures reddishness.
Indians are using Kajal to enhance the beauty of eyes from ancient time. Don't use Kajal which is available at many road side little shops. There is no guaranty that it will be good for health. Make Kajal at home. Burn a lamp with clarified butter (Cow Milk) and make Kajal out of that. Apply it bed time. Try this, you will be more then happy.
Keep yourself and children at a distance from TV. Stay away from the Sas Bahu sagas. Protest eyes from dust, smoke and bright light. Make sure that your study room is properly lit. Practice Pranayam and after Bhramri rub your palms and transfer this positive energy to the eyes.
The world is beautiful and so are your eyes. Protect them. Make eye donation. Your soul will change clothes but your eyes will be seeing the beautiful planet earth.

Healthy Full Lips - The Finishing Touch To Perfect Skincare:

We live in a busy complex world with our standards for health and beauty set high by the media, Hollywood, and fashion magazines alike. The truth is most of us just want to look and feel our best. Good skin and lip care is where to start for that healthy glowing look we strive for. We do not want to look our age, we want fewer wrinkles, and we want full or thick and soft looking lips, the kind the models have and the kind we had when we were young. Where do we start?

Lip Care
First, we start with a good facial cleanser, one that is not drying to the lips and around the mouth. Second, you must keep your lips in mind when picking skincare products. There are many products which are specifically designed just for the lips. Those products are intended to moisturize and restore lip cells to a healthy state.

Types of products to consider
Lip care treatments that exfoliate and contain natural ingredients for moisturizing are ideal. The exfoliating removes dead skin and restores lips to a supple feel. The moisturizers can contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant's to rejuvenate the skin and tissue of your lips. Some products also contain essential oils or extracts from sunflower, green tea, avocado, and aloe vera to soften lips and make them supple.
Products that exfoliate help to remove lipstick build-up and do not have to be harsh. Balms or moisturizers used after you exfoliate replenish moisture and natural oils restoring lips to a new soft and full look and feel.
Sunscreen is another important piece of keeping lips soft, full, and supple. Sunscreen should be a part of lip balms, moisturizers, or lipsticks used for daily wear. Sunscreen protects from damage from ultraviolet rays and burns aiding in keeping lips looking and feeling healthy.
Products come in the form of scrubs, lotions, and creams. The price range for good lip care can be very inexpensive all the way up to extremely costly for some brands. The price of lip care, like anything else, doesn’t always mean quality. Look for products that make your lips look and feel full and fluffy, soft and supple, and wrinkle free.

Cosmetics for the lips
These products can make or break the look you are trying to achieve with your lips. Choose lipsticks and liners that enhance your skin color and make up. Lighter shades for daytime use are more becoming. Leave darker shades for night time for a more dramatic look. Fashion experts offer advice in magazines, television, and just about anywhere make up is sold on color choices and various trendy looks. Lip liners help to extend the width of your natural lip line and when used correctly, enhance the shape and look of your lips. Remember to look for sunscreen worked into the product.

Quick lip care steps:
1. Cleanse and exfoliate
2. Moisturize and restore
3. Add color, liner, and sunscreen

Healthy skin and lips are part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, diet, rest, and choosing the right lip care products will give you full fluffy lips for that ageless beauty we all seek.

Ladies Purses.

                          "Ladies Purses"

Types of Ladies Purses:

Thinking of purchasing a new bag for the upcoming annual dinner? Not sure about the available types and which one to purchase? These types of questions often come in your mind when you plan to shop for any product. You should have complete and comprehensive knowledge about the available types of ladies purses so that you can select the one that you desire. With tones of choices available on the market you can easily find the type of bag you are looking for.

A large assortment of ladies purses are being offered in unique styles, colors and designs. You will find purses that suit all types of occasions. Different types of these are available including casual wear, formal, work purses, clutch style, briefcase style, leather bags and many others. Casual handbags come in different styles, prints and sizes. These usually have some kind of print or design imprinted on them and are available at low prices compared to other types.
Formal bags are made from quality shiny material and the outer material of some of these is filled with beads and sequence. The use of sequence and beads make them appropriate for weddings, engagements and other formal parties. These are relatively expensive than casual ones because of the quality material used and its style.

The clutch style purse is very popular among teenage girls and women alike. These are smaller in size and have enough space to put small items like car keys, mobile, lipstick, some cash and credit and ID cards. These are suitable for people who carry less number of things with them when going out. The clutch style bags are appropriate for evening night outs with friends.
Briefcase styled bags are those that resemble a brief case. These have the capacity to accommodate more products and are widely used at work. Work files and documents can easily fit in these styled bags. Due to their unique style these are available at higher prices.
Leather purses are the most popular types of bags. These are widely purchased by women because of their beauty and style and their ability to compliment any outfit. You can easily find leather backpack purses that come with silver and golden chain straps.
Creative & Unique Hand Bags/Ladies Purses:


Ladies Purses Flowers:

Coach  Tribeca Patent Tote 14123:

- Color: Berry & Pink
- Soft pebbled leather w/ crinkle patent trim
- Horse & Carriage logo plaque
- Button branding
- Interior zip pocket
- Cellphone/multifunction pockets
- Ring to clip an accessory or keyfob
- Fabric lining
- Zip-top closure
- Outside back pocket
- Strap with chain detail, 9” drop
- Size: 14.5" W x 10.25" H x 4.75" D

Coach Soho Pleated Scarf Clutch 13801:

- Shiny Sateen Fabric w/ brown leather trim
- Top zip closure
- Nickel hardware
- 12" Removable leather strap with dog clip
- Interior: brown fabric lining
- 1 inner slip pocket
- 1 inner zippered pocket w/ leather creed
- Size: 12.5” W x 6.5” H x 1.5" D

Coach Tatoo Gold Canvas Tote 13661:

- Canvas with Coach tattoo graphic and leather trim
- Inside open multifunction pocket
- Inside zip pocket
- Zip-top closure
- Fabric lining
- 20” leather threaded chain-link strap with 9” drop
- Size: 17.5" W x 9.75" H x 3.75"D

Coach Legacy Nylon Weekend Tote Bag 70034:


- MSRP $448.00
- Khaki nylon specially treated to repel water & stain
- Dark Brown leather trimmed
- Front:large full length zip pocket
- Back:large full length slip pocket w/ interior zip pocket
- Both sides have full length slip pockets trimmed with leather
- Double straps leather handle, drop 6.5"
- Straps trimmed w/ pebbled leather
- 48" Adjustable & detachable strap
- Bottom of the bag is lined with pebbled leather
- Bottom corners are reinforced with leather
- Contrast stitching
- Interior: Khaki fabric lining
- Large full length inside zipper compartment
- Two large full length slip pockets
- Cell phone pocket & pens holder
- Size: 16" W x 16" H x 6.5" W

Coach Bonnie Pouch 42583:

- Color: Blue/Green & Fuchia/Orange
- Cotton twill blend with leather trim and Bonnie girl graphic
- Single handle with 6.5" drop
- Exterior coin purse on each side
- Inside multifunction slip pocket
- Top zipper closure
- Size: 8.5" W x 4.5" L x 3.5" D

Coach Signature Stripe Tote 13548:

- Color: Pink & Brown
- Coach sign "C" water and stain resistant jacquard fabric
- Leather trim
- Top zippered closure with leather pull
- 20" Double leather strap
- Brass hardware
- Coach leather hangtag with brass medallion
- Interior has 1 zipper pocket and 2 multi-function slip pockets
- Interior: fabric lining & Leather creed
- Size: 13" W (Top) 10" (Bottom) x 10" H x 4" D


Just use it to hang our purse/bag on the table right next to our arm or in between our legs (when we are in jeans/pants of course ;)), simple as that :)